It is also on account of P., a psychoactive species that loves dung and it is popular in Thailand. Panaeolus Cyanescens, aka Blue Meanies or Pan. tropicalis. These strains are also called “zoo doo” since they distribute by means of zoo compost made out of elephant and hippopotamus doo.Embrace the celebration of flavor and magic with Silly Farms… Read More
Der er forskellige holdninger til smertestillende medicin. Nogle er nervøse for bestemte typer af medicin, andre bryder sig slet ikke om at tage smertestillende.Populærkulturen romantiserer misbruget – eksperter efterlyser mere fokus på »livsfarligt stof«Forskerne har hentet data fra det nasjonale Reseptregisteret, som registrerer alle resep… Read More
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